Welcome to Horizon 2020 UK

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the achievements of FP7, the EU's 7th Framework Programme for research...
Call for End Users, Technology Developers and System Integrators
The 2014/15 NMBP work programme has been updated and is now available for download through the Participant Portal.
The European Commission announced on Tuesday, 22 July 2014, the response to the first Horizon 2020 calls with over 17,000 proposals submitted by end-June, seeking nine times the available funding.
10:00 until 15:00
The H2020 Research Infrastructures Work programme will soon be agreed, and this event provides an...From Horizon 2020
10:00 until 15:30
The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon 2020...From Horizon 2020
10:00 until 15:30
The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon 2020...From Horizon 2020
Nov 02 / 09:00 until Nov 18 / 17:00
Following publication of the 2016/17 Work Programmes for Horizon 2020 in the Autumn, ESRC and...From Horizon 2020
13:00 until 16:30
In its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the European Research Council, the UK Research...From Horizon 2020
13:00 until 16:30
In its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the European Research Council, the UK Research...From Horizon 2020